Author(s): Bolbakov Roman Gennadievich
Rubric: Information technology
DOI: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-58-63
Release: 2016-4 (16)
Pages: 58-63
Keywords: complexity, system analysis, information construction, information models, types of complexity, cognitive complexity
Annotation: The article analyzes the example of the complexity of the information structures. The article reveals the concept of design information. The article describes the main types of complexity in the field of computer science and computer engineering. The article argues that the growth of complexity is a natural process of development of society. This conclusion requires a study of the phenomenon of complexity. This finding motivates the search for tools to reduce complexity and reduce the impact on management. The paper describes the taxonomy of different kinds of complexity. The article reveals the contents of the structural and cognitive complexity. We describe the characteristics of cognitive complexity. It shows the difference between a topological and structural complexity. It describes the complexity of semantic information structures. The article defines the scope of the results of research: management, systems analysis, artificial intelligence, modeling and cognitive science. The article shows that the complexity of the phenomenon of well-researched information on the example designs
Bibliography: Bolbakov RO.GE. THE COMPLEXITY OF INFORMATION CONSTRUCTIONS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2016. – № 4 (16). – С. 58-63. doi: 10.21777/2312-5500-2016-4-58-63