Author(s): Tsvetkov V.Ya.

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-86-92

Release: 2017-3 (20)

Pages: 86-92

Keywords: Complexity, complex technical system, autopoiesis, network system, system blocks, entropy

Annotation: The article analyzes a complex technical system. Paper examines the concept of a complex technical system. Paper shows that in the modern understanding, a complex technical system is an information technology system. The article compares a complex system and network. Paper describes the similarity and difference between a complex technical system and a network. Paper describes the autopoiesis of a complex technical system. Paper describes aspects of the theory of social systems of Luhmann in relation to a complex technical system. Paper describes the acceptability of Luhmann’s theory to describe a complex technical system. Paper describes the principles and properties of a complex technical system. The article proves that the general theory of systems is not suitable for a complete description of complex systems. The article proves that a new theory of complex systems is needed to describe complex technical systems.

Bibliography: Tsvetkov V.Ya. COMPLEX TECHNICAL SYSTEMS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2017. – № 3 (20). – С. 86-92. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2017-3-86-92

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