Author(s): Matchin Vasily Timofeevich

Rubric: Information technology

Release: 2015-1 (9)

Pages: 137-144

Keywords: spatial data, spatial data infrastructure, funds spatial information, information services, data-bases, standards of spatial information

Annotation: The article considers the status and development of spatial data infrastructure (SDI). The paper shows the shortcomings of the current state of the use of spatial data. The article presents a linguistic analysis of the term. The article describes the international experience of creating SDI. The article describes the main goals and objectives of the national spatial data infrastructure. This paper describes the formation of a national spatial data infrastructure. Showing the benefits resulting from the development and use of national spatial data infrastructure

Bibliography: Matchin VA.TI. STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT OF SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 1 (9). – С. 137-144. doi:

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