Author(s): Baranov Dmitry Nikitich
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-91-97
Release: 2018-3 (26)
Pages: 91-97
Keywords: digital economy, labor market, flexible forms of labor organization, robotization, employment
Annotation: The article deals with the study of socio-economic consequences of digital technologies in the activities of economic agents in the context of the Genesis of the digital economy in the Russian Federation. It is shown that in the scientific community there are divergent views that relate to the issue of replacement of labor with capital. Some researchers argue that the diffusion of digital technologies will affect the labor market by displacing the labor force from most areas of economic activity. This process, according to this group of scientists, will contribute to the formation of social instability in society and will create the need to develop comprehensive government measures to ensure the system of retraining of workers, the organization of public works and other measures to support sustainable employment. Another group of scientists who hold optimistic views on the manifestation of the diffusion of digital technologies in the labor market claims that their spread will lead to the emergence of new working specialties, spheres of activity and sectors of the economy. According to their forecasts, digital technologies will contribute to the evolution of the content of existing professions in favor of the use of information and communication tools in the performance of official duties and the complexity of economic operations. It is shown that the diffusion of digital technologies will ensure the transformation of relations in the labor market in favor of increasing the share of flexible forms of employment, remote work, the need for continuous training during life, the development of flexible forms of business organization using outsourcing schemes, the development of flexible forms of time management.
Bibliography: Baranov DM.NI. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF SPREAD OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES WITHIN THE LABOUR MARKET // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 3 (26). – С. 91-97. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-3-91-97