Author(s): Sazonova Alena Nikolaevna, Tuzhikova Anna Yurievna, Pokrovskaya Lyudmila Olegovna

Rubric: Economy

Release: 2014-3 (9)

Pages: 24-27

Keywords: cluster policy, cluster, OEZ, tool, development, efficiency, nanotechnologies

Annotation: The actual problem of the article is searching of the modern ways, allowing to keep innovative development is considered. Now the Russian's economics is in a difficult situation. Therefore everything is more sharply shown need to use the clusters, allowing to increase competitiveness and innovative activity of regions of Russia

Bibliography: Sazonova AL.NI., Tuzhikova AN.YU., Pokrovskaya LY.OL. WAYS TO KEEP INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT // Economics and Management. – 2014. – № 3 (9). – С. 24-27. doi:

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