Author(s): Baranov Dmitry Nikitich
Rubric: Economy
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-15-23
Release: 2018-2 (25)
Pages: 15-23
Keywords: digital economy, digitalization, large data, universal communication, cloud services, automation, Internet of things
Annotation: The article studies the definitions of the category «Digital Economy» and on the basis of this the author’s definition is developed. It is shown that for the first time the description of the digitalization of the economy was proposed by Robert Vakhalovi in 1971, and described the process of the genesis of the digital economy by Nicholas Negroponte. From this moment comes the epochal changes associated with the digitalization of the economy, which contribute to the genesis of new spheres of labor application and transform the relations between economic agents within the old spheres. The development of digital technologies in the economic and social life of society shows that with the help of Internet technologies, the subjects of economic relations have the opportunity to communicate, coordinate and instantly exchange information in real time and being in any geographical point of the world. The study of the structural elements of the digital economy has shown that the key factor in its development is the spread of the Internet in the economic activities of the state, firms and households. The formation of a new paradigm of economic relations is based on the diffusion of Internet technologies, communication tools, the use of large data, the genesis of the Internet of things, the use of cloud technologies, automation and robotization. It is shown that as the main means of communication by means of Internet technologies, a mobile phone became the use of which allows real-time monitoring of business processes occurring at the enterprise, setting tasks for employees, monitoring their activities. The article reflects that digital technologies are used in the economic and social activities of households, firms and the state.
Bibliography: Baranov DM.NI. THE ESSENCE AND CONTENT FOR “THE DIGITAL ECONOMY” CATEGORY // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 2 (25). – С. 15-23. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-15-23