Author(s): Gavrilova E.N., Demjanuk A.S.
Rubric: Economy
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-2-25-32
Release: 2023-2 (45)
Pages: 25-32
Keywords: cryptocurrency, payment systems, cryptography, bitcoin, blockchain, mining, crypto exchange, cryptocurrency exchange
Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of cryptocurrency in modern conditions, to the consideration of its role, significance, dynamics of use and possibilities for further use in our country. The advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency as a means of payment, considered the development trends of cryptocurrency in Russia and in the world were investigated in the article. An analysis of the cryptocurrency market was conducted by the authors, as a result of which a conclusion was made about the positive dynamics of the use of cryptocurrency in our country. The domestic and world experience in regulating cryptocurrencies was analyzed (on the example of Japan, Estonia, Singapore, Switzerland, Germany, the USA), in the context of which the legal mechanism for regulating payments using cryptocurrencies was studied. It was concluded that it is developed insufficiently and needs the development of further legislative measures. Possible directions for the development of cryptocurrency and prospects for their development were proposed in the study.
Bibliography: Gavrilova E.N., Demjanuk A.S. TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES IN MODERN CONDITIONS // Economics and Management. – 2023. – № 2 (45). – С. 25-32. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-2-25-32