Author(s): Zonn Igor Sergeevich, Zhiltsov Sergey Sergeevich, Semyonov Alexander Vyacheslavovich, Kostyanoy Andrey Gennadievich

Rubric: Environmental economics

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-82-90

Release: 2018-4 (27)

Pages: 82-90

Keywords: Central Asia, Kazakhstan, China, transboundary rivers, water use

Annotation: Interstate cooperation between Kazakhstan and China on the joint use and protection of transboundary water resources is important not only for them, but also for Russia. This is due to the huge impact that the use of water resources of the transboundary rivers Irtysh and Ili, the main sources of fresh water for Kazakhstan, has on the socio-economic development of these countries. In recent decades, Kazakhstan has faced an increasing shortage of water resources. One of the reasons for the lack of water is the policy of China, which is pursuing a policy of unilateral increase in the volume of water resources taken from the transboundary rivers of the Irtysh and or ignoring the interests of the Kazakh side. For Kazakhstan, such a policy of Beijing threatens the plans of economic development, negatively affects the solution of issues of socio-political stability. As a result, Kazakhstan annually faces a growing number of problems, the solution of which depends on China. On the example of Kazakhstan and China, an attempt is made to identify the main contradictions in the issues of water use in Central Asia.

Bibliography: Zonn IG.SE., Zhiltsov SE.SE., Semyonov AL.VY., Kostyanoy AN.GE. TRANSBOUNDARY RIVERS OF KAZAKHSTAN AND CHINA // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 4 (27). – С. 82-90. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-82-90

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