Author(s): Nomokonov I.B.

Rubric: Information technology

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-53-60

Release: 2021-4 (37)

Pages: 53-60

Keywords: visual model, image semantics, information field, cognitive field, information semantics, cognitive semantics

Annotation: The article explores the semantics of visual models. The process of representation of images in the information and cognitive field in the form of a visual model is considered. The difference between the transformation of the image and its interpretation through informational and cognitive channels is shown. New concepts, such as «semantics of visual models», «visual figurative models», «visual geometric models», are introduced. These concepts allow us to reveal the process of converting images into visual models of different types more fully and accurately. The content of «visual figurative models», «visual geometric models» is revealed. It is shown that the visual geometric model plays the role of a map for visual figurative models and can connect them. This gives reason to use a series of images of different densities in processing for a better study of the details of the investigated object. Examples show that in addition to real images, visual models can reflect something that does not exist in nature in the form of images. The proposed semantic approach to the creation of visual models expands the methods of their analysis not only in diagnostics, but also in the processing of various images.

Bibliography: Nomokonov I.B. VISUAL MODELS AND THEIR SEMANTICS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2021. – № 4 (37). – С. 53-60. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-53-60

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