Author(s): Burko Yulia Vasilievna, Makoev Oleg Soltanovich

Rubric: Economy

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-20-26

Release: 2018-4 (27)

Pages: 20-26

Keywords: internal audit, financing, construction and installation works, budget, investments, capital construction, documentation, customer, contractor

Annotation: The article discusses the organization and methods of internal audit of using budgetary funds for capital construction projects at the stage of construction and installation works by a contracting organization and making payment in respect of work performed by a budget investor, which is based on an operational, regular and integrated approach to checking management and accounting. The relevance of the article is confirmed by the absence in the arsenal of Russian auditors of a specific set of methods for planning and conducting inspections, which allows to reduce the cost and time of construction and installation works. Thus, the purpose of this article is to develop the need to develop, improve and detail the methodology for conducting an audit of the costs of construction and installation works. To achieve the goal of the study, mainly theoretical and to a lesser extent practical methods are used: the study and analysis of the organization of the use of budget funds for construction; monitoring of the volume of invested budget funds for construction and installation works; studying the organization of internal audit of budget investments; analysis of internal audit of budget investments on the example of budget investors in other areas; synthesis of a general internal audit algorithm for the use of budget funds for construction work. As a result, we will obtain an internal audit methodology for using budget funds for construction and installation work, which can be modernized in accordance with the specifics of a particular budget investor and will also serve as the basis for the internal audit of other types of work during capital construction.

Bibliography: Burko YU.VA., Makoev OL.SO. INTERNAL AUDIT OF THE USE OF BUDGETARY TO CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY WORKS // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 4 (27). – С. 20-26. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-4-20-26

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