Author(s): Tsyganov Vladimir Viktorovich
Rubric: Methodological research
Release: 2014-2 (5)
Pages: 188-194
Keywords: sociology, socio-economic security, technology mechanism, humanitarian system
Annotation: On the basis of humanitarian systems theory and security theory, methodology, methods and high humanitarian technology of socio-economic security are developed. Their background consists of progressive adaptive mechanism of social security which enlarges potential of socio-economic system elements. Vertically integrated cognitive models and progressive adaptive mechanisms of federal, regional and local socio-economic security are created. The concepts of their modernization are provided and generalized into the concept of national socio-economic security modernization. The support system of decision making in socio-economic security is developed to integrate mechanisms of federal, regional and local socio-economic security
Bibliography: Tsyganov VL.VI. HIGH HUMANITARIAN TECHNOLOGIES OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SECURITY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2014. – № 2 (5). – С. 188-194. doi: