Author(s): Bolbakov R.G., Popov K.S.
Rubric: Information technology
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-80-88
Release: 2020-3 (32)
Pages: 80-88
Keywords: spatial information, geodata, big data, high-performance processing, parallel computing
Annotation: The article examines the current state of high-performance spatial information processing. This information is characterized by large amounts of information, a variety of data types and formats. One of the main methods of processing large-volume spatial information is parallel computing. There are various ways to implement parallel computing. The article reveals the features of implementing high-performance spatial data processing based on parallel computing. The features of different approaches to spatial data modeling are revealed, depending on the type of problems to be solved. The main features that characterize spatial data that relate to big data are highlighted. It is noted that the use of high-performance spatial data processing as a tool for analysis and decision-making is due to three reasons: expanding the capabilities of measurement systems; improving spatial models and methods for solving complex spatial problems; and increasing the performance of computing systems. The article typifies the features of using methods of high-performance processing of large spatio-temporal data, which are the basis of information support for geoinformation systems.
Bibliography: Bolbakov R.G., Popov K.S. HIGH-PERFORMANCE PROCESSING OF SPATIAL INFORMATION OF LARGE VOLUMES AND STREAMS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2020. – № 3 (32). – С. 80-88. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-3-80-88