Author(s): Komarova Galina Stepanovna

Rubric: Constitutional and municipal law

Release: 2014-2 (5)

Pages: 36-47

Keywords: mechanism of legal regulation, legal mechanism, the mechanism of lawmaking, legal, public-private partnership, social partnership legislation

Annotation: Based on the analysis of the methodological aspects, identifying the conceptual and legal framework, the need to develop science-based system of public-private partnership, creating organizational and legal conditions focuses on disclosure and summarizing trends and approaches to strengthen and improve the legal mechanism of public-private partnerships to improve the efficiency of public administration in theory and practice of implementation of the state policy in the approval of civil society, legal, social state in Russia

Bibliography: Komarova GA.ST. LEGAL MECHANISMS TO IMPROVE PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2014. – № 2 (5). – С. 36-47. doi:

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