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"Economics and Management"
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Release: 2016-1 (16)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-123-127
Keywords: logistics, city logistics, information technology, logistics system, e-government
Annotation: The review of the information systems and technologies which are actively used and introduced in city logistics for the solution of practical tasks in the sphere of management, municipal economy, and also in region ecology is provided in article
Structure of intellectual economy as a factor of cognitive competence
Release: 2016-2 (17)
DOI: 10.21777/2307-6135-2016-2-122-132
Keywords: cognitive competences, the archaic structure of the economy, intellectual economy, indicators of intellectual economy, institutional capital, the ownership structure
Annotation: This article analyzes the relationship of competences and structure of the modern economy, which is an integral factor in the demand for human capital of relevant quality. The purpose of this study is to develop the foundations of the paradigm of the formation of knowledge-based economy, which determine the creation and development of cognitive competencies, or "competences of competences". Hence, the key tasks of the article are: the development of a general model of intellectual economy as a systemic factor of the expanded reproduction of creative competences, as well as the justification of the need of qualitative renewal property system as a deep socio-economic basis of the formation of the creative structure of the domestic economy. The methodological bases of the study are the key provisions of the systemic paradigm, actualizing an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the relationship of the economic structure and the creative individual competences. Scientific novelty of the article is to clarify the interpretation and characterization of the main indicators of the intellectual economy. Also it is proved that without a qualitative renewal of institutional capital, which is based on property system, it is impossible to form a progressive structure of the domestic economy and create effective incentives for large-scale and radical social and economic innovation.
The use of information and technology governance model (ITMA) in decision making
Release: 2016-1 (16)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-128-135
Keywords: information technology governance model, decision-making
Annotation: The content and stages of formation of information and technological management model (ITMA). Presented the matrix structure of the ITMA in the «control function element management system organization». Demonstrated the ITMA and the benefits of its use
Overview oberegateli book. Intelligent environment cherish paradigm of global transformation
Release: 2016-1 (16)
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2016-1-136-137
Analysis of financial balance of assets and liabilities balance – the basis of assessment of financial stability and solvency of the enterprise
Release: 2015-4 (15)
Keywords: financial stability, solvency, assets, liabilities, the balance, the crisis
Annotation: In a market economy, stable development of enterprises largely depends on their financial stability. Resilience allows you to survive in the changing external and internal environment, enables maneuvering in cash, but also contributes to the smooth process of production. The article presents a theoretical study of financial sustainability and solvency of the company through the achievement of financial balance between articles of assets and liabilities balance