Release: 2017-4 (13)

2017-4 (13)
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On the prospects of development of the Russian state and law


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-5-11

Annotation: In this article on the basis of an analysis of the influence of various factors on the development of the Russian State and law in different historical periods tries to show status of domestic public law mechanism not only in past and present, but also to determine the prospects for its possible development in the foreseeable future.

Russia: 1917 revolutionary legislation as a natural stage in the development of domestic law


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-12-15

Annotation: Reflecting on contemporary issues of legal development in Russia, whether revolutionary legislation a logical step of development of domestic law, it has become increasingly clear that without understanding the past not realising and not would those ancient events, we will never be able to find the correct road to the future.

Social policy and development of the social state


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-16-22

Annotation: The variety of definitions “social policy” is considered, five groups of approaches to this concept are singled out, internal and external aspects of social policy are outlined, types of subjects of social policy are outlined, federal, regional and municipal levels of social policy and its significance for the development of the social state are considered.

October 1917 year and international law


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-23-29

Annotation: The article deals with the impact of the great October socialist revolution on the formation and development of international law.

Features of compensation of damages caused by violation of the business agreement


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-30-33

Annotation: The article examines the characteristics of the recovery of damages for non-performance or improper performance of the obligation in the arbitration process. Discusses the problems of determining the amount of lost profits.

Losses in the civil right: category and problems of proof


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-34-38

Annotation: This article explores the civil law categories of damages and urgent matters of their evidence through the analysis of scientific sources, the current legislation and practice, evolving in the field of considered issues.

Some questions of improvement of the judicial system of the Russian Federation and strengthening its unity


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-39-42

Annotation: The article considers the issues of improvement of legal regulation of legal professional activities in modern Russian conditions. Analyzed and characterized the legislative innovations. Revealed shortcomings and gaps legal aid. Provides basic principles and directions of improvement of legal regulation of legal assistance.

Problems of interaction of corporate law of russia and foreign countries. The doctrine of “piercing the corporate veil”


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-43-48

Annotation: The article examines separate legal constructions borrowed from foreign legal systems in the civil law of Russia, analyzes the doctrine of “piercing the corporate veil” and the possibility of its legalization and use of Russian courts, reveals the problems that arise.

To the question of the death penalty as a form of criminal punishment


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-49-53

Annotation: The article discusses the inconsistency of the legislative position in relation to the criminal punishment of the death penalty.

Experience of prevention of systemic and specific corruption in correctional institutions abroad


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-54-59

Annotation: Organizational problems of counteracting specific and systemic corruption in the penal systems of foreign countries (Philippines, Indonesia, Bolivia and others) are analyzed in the article; trends in the steady growth of crimes and corruption-related offenses among officials of bodies and institutions executing punishment; the experience of the development by the administration of correctional institutions of effective mechanisms of counteraction and management of corruption risks is analyzed on the basis of timely detection of signs of potential corruption, understanding of its causes, planning and implementation of measures to prevent corrupt behavior of employees at specific and systemic levels.

Problems in the development of algorithms for the investigation of crimes


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-60-62

Annotation: The paper studied the relationship between the concepts of “algorithm” and “algorithmic”; we analyzed the main requirements for forensic algorithm; considers the importance of algorithms for the investigation of crimes.

The penalty as a criminal punishment in criminal law of foreign countries


DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2017-4-63-66

Annotation: The Article is devoted to the peculiarities of criminal punishment in the form of a fine in criminal law of foreign countries.