Author(s): Povarova E.S.

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-1-95-101

Release: 2022-1 (40)

Pages: 95-101

Keywords: accounts receivable, analytical procedures, financial analysis, audit

Annotation: Changing business conditions for economic entities lead to the need to select effective and efficient audit procedures during the audit. The aim of the article is to present indicators of the analysis of accounts receivable, detailing the composition and quality of accounts receivable, to determine the composition of audit procedures during the audit of accounts receivable. The article provides a list of indicators for the analysis of accounts receivable: comparison of accounts receivable and accounts payable for settlements with buyers and suppliers, the procedure for analyzing non-payments, debt repayment analysis, debtors’ quality assessment, debt analysis for foreign counterparties, which can be used by auditors as part of analytical procedures during the audit of accounts receivable of the audited entity, i.e. allow detailed analysis of the composition of accounts receivable. The article presents a list of analytical procedures for the audit of accounts receivable, which is a detailed set of indicators, the use of which will contribute to the definition of accurate and detailed audit procedures for further documentary verification, which are consistent with the specifics of the financial and economic activities of the audited entity.

Bibliography: Povarova E.S. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES IN THE AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE // Economics and Management. – 2022. – № 1 (40). – С. 95-101. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-1-95-101

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