Author(s): Lukovnikova N.S.

Rubric: Economics of sustainable development

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-3-48-59

Release: 2022-3 (42)

Pages: 48-59

Keywords: investments, region, regional development, analysis, investment attractiveness, specialization, financing, projects

Annotation: The aim of the work was to study the causes, features, factors of investment limitation for financing regional development projects. These aspects are considered as from a theoretical point of view: factors of investment attractiveness and conditions for assessing the investment climate of the region; and from the standpoint of the rating assessment of the investment activity of urban areas of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The method and methodology of the work includes: diagnostics of the specialization of projects implemented in the regions. At the same time, a structural analysis of costs made it possible to identify causal relationships in the dynamics of development indicators of Russian regions. The time series method was used to assess regional indicators: the volume of residential buildings put into operation, the number of permits for building territories, the volume of investments in fixed capital. The subject of the study is the analysis of the types of sectoral specialization of the regions, on the basis of which pilot infrastructure development projects are being implemented: agriculture and the food industry, metallurgy and mechanical engineering; transport and shipbuilding, fishing. The study of the possibilities of implementing investment projects is considered through a system of problems: a high level of costs for differentiation of territories and zoning of industrial zones for the integrated development of the region; lack of new territorial planning schemes; restrictions on investment in rural development. The results of the work are the classification of investments for the purpose of concentrating business in the regions by enlarged groups: investments in the extraction of minerals (the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District); investments in ecological tourism and manufacturing (regions of the Central Federal District); investment in fish processing (regions of the Northwestern Federal District). The substantiation of the research results is described through a system of investment mechanisms involving the services of credit institutions and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The scope of the results is the study of the relationship between the mechanisms for investing in regional development projects and the results of improving territories, their integrated development, development and improving the quality of life of society on the example of the regions of the Northwestern Federal District. The introduction of successful practices for the integrated development of territories has been studied from the standpoint of analyzing the quality of investments in projects for the modernization of territorial infrastructure development. The article emphasizes the role of activating entrepreneurial activity in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District to increase the level of infrastructural regional development. Conclusions: on the basis of the results of the assessment of the rating of regions with high investment activity, the leading regions in the system of economic development were identified: Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. The economic development potential of these regions will improve the practice of attracting budgetary and private investments in other subjects of the Russian Federation and improve the quality of life in society.

Bibliography: Lukovnikova N.S. ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN CONDITIONS OF LIMITED INVESTMENT // Economics and Management. – 2022. – № 3 (42). – С. 48-59. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-3-48-59

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