Author(s): Saenko M.A., Melnikov D.A., Danilov M.A.
Rubric: Information technology
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-1-82-90
Release: 2023-1 (42)
Pages: 82-90
Keywords: wireless networks, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, information transmission, information security, vulnerabilities
Annotation: The article examines the problem of information security of smart systems. The level of digitalization of smart systems is continuously increasing and vulnerability factors and threats are changing accordingly. Therefore, the information protection process needs to be continuously improved. The purpose of the work is to systematize the threats and vulnerabilities of modern systems of smart things, to develop recommendations for improving their information security. The systematics of threats to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless technologies is presented. An example of vulnerabilities of a smart system when using Wi-Fi technology is considered. The typological series of Wi-Fi technology is presented, which is created according to the degree of the transmitted information security growth. The threats and vulnerabilities of the technology when using specific Wi-Fi network protection protocols are shown. The example shows that information threats appear not only because of the vulnerabilities of wireless information transmission technology, but also because of the technological features of the use of this technology in other systems, including “smart things”. A comparison is made of the security of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies based on the use of the modern WPA3 protocol. Recommendations have been developed for the transmission of confidential information via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth channels.
Bibliography: Saenko M.A., Melnikov D.A., Danilov M.A. THE ANALYSIS OF VULNERABILITY OF WIRELESS INFORMATION TRANSMISSION CHANNELS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2023. – № 1 (42). – С. 82-90. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2023-1-82-90