Author(s): Teslikova N.N.

Rubric: Educational environment

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2018-3-12-20

Release: 2018-3 (24)

Pages: 12-20

Keywords: innovative pedagogical technologies, activization of educational process, efficiency of training, cognitive activity, “case study”, speech culture, competence, diagnostics, modular training

Annotation: The article discusses issues related to one of the most urgent problems of modern pedagogy – improving the quality of education and possible approaches to its evaluation. The new Federal state educational standards of the third generation 3+ formulate the requirements for the quality of education: the structure of educational programs, the quality of the educational process, the quality of the results focused on the competence-based, activity-based approach to its evaluation. This caused the necessity to improve the system of education quality assessment, the development of modern control and measuring materials to assess the level of knowledge, skills, the level of acquired competences from students. In this regard, the following objectives of the study were identified – to create conditions for improving the system of evaluation of the quality of training, scientific and methodological support of its control and evaluation tools, improving the efficiency of their use, search for modern forms and methods of control. The nature of the tasks determined the choice of research methods: the study and analysis of psychological, linguistic, pedagogical and methodical literature in order to establish the theoretical foundations of the study; targeted pedagogical supervision of educational activities of students, the study and synthesis of advanced pedagogical experience; conversations with students, conducting experiments; processing and analysis of the results of the experiment. The main results of the study. The system of methods and techniques for the diagnostics of the formation of cultural and speech skills, competences of students based on the level of differentiation is theoretically developed and experimentally tested. It allows to evaluate the results of the student’s learning activity taking into account its real capabilities and the initial level of knowledge. The analysis of the research indicators allows to make a conclusion about the positive dynamics of the results of the development of speech culture of students studying in a modular program based on competences. The author believes that the implementation of an integrated approach to the organization of training in the University allows to expand the educational space of Humanities, to form socially significant qualities of the future specialist.

Bibliography: Teslikova N.N. DIAGNOSTICS OF QUALITY OF HUMANITARIAN DISCIPLINES TRAINING IN A UNIVERSITY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2018. – № 3 (24). – С. 12-20. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2018-3-12-20

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