Author(s): Tsvetkov Viktor Yakovlevich

Rubric: Educational environment

Release: 2015-2 (10)

Pages: 28-37

Keywords: education, visual model, incremental model, the time scale, the educational scenario

Annotation: This article describes the dynamic visual models as educational resources. It describes the contents of the incremental model. It shows the relationship between educational technology and e-learning m-learning. The article reveals the contents of the educational scenario using dynamic visual models. It describes the formal and heuristic approaches to the description information of the situation. This article describes the features of indeterminacy situations in visual learning. This article describes the features of time-warping space and scale, as factors increasing the effectiveness of training. This article describes the contents of the educational scenario. This article describes the features of the scheme Crowder.

Bibliography: Tsvetkov VI.YA. DISTANCE LEARNING USING DYNAMIC VISUAL MODEL // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 2 (10). – С. 28-37. doi:

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