Author(s): Venda V.F.
Rubric: Methodological research
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-4-77-88
Release: 2019-4 (29)
Pages: 77-88
Keywords: Language origin, the laws of mutual adaptation and transformation, supergeniuses, loss of neurons from neocortex, subconscious creative thinking, talent of creativity upbringing
Annotation: From the standpoint of psychology, author revisits the conclusion made by leading linguists, including N. Chomsky, in 2014 about the impossibility of knowing how language was created. Comparison intellectual abilities language creators and modern Homo sapiens was proposed. The author discovered a system of four laws helping to study the process of evolution as a multi-level mutual adaptation between man and the environment. Given the known data on the loss from a human embryo to 70% of neurons from the neocortex by birth, it is concluded that the creators of the language with 100% of the neurons were supergeniuses. Children are geniuses; they with their 30% of neurons in the neocortex independently master the language, or even two-three, and the laws by Newton, Pascal, and other laws of nature including the laws of mutual adaptation by Venda. Further, with the rest of the neurons, adult person can only become a talent by chance and thus get an unconscious creative thinking but is never a genius. Most adults go through initiation and have only a routine conscience thinking. Now society needs more talents that are creative. The results of a 70-year experiment to cultivate artificial talent in initially ordinary schoolboy are presented. The experiment began L.N. Venda in 1948 with the author, her son, as a subject.
Bibliography: Venda V.F. PHYLOGENESIS OF INTELLECT AND EXPERIMENT IN THE UPBRINGING OF THE STUDENT’S INTELLECTUAL CREATIVE TALENT // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2019. – № 4 (29). – С. 77-88. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-4-77-88