Author(s): Mayorov Andrey Alexandrovich

Rubric: Applied Geoinformatics

Release: 2014-5 (8)

Pages: 43-48

Keywords: geoinformatics, marketing, geomarketing, GIS technology, GIS, spatial economics, information technology, information technology management, information resources

Annotation: The article analyzes geomarketing and geomarketing research. This article describes the use of geomarketing research in solving a number of problems: decision support, for the formation of information resources, for applications. Article shows that in Geomarketing of the research is related to monitoring as a method of permanent observation sites. Article shows the close relationship between Geomarketing and Geomonitoring. Article shows, that geomarketing research contrast to conventional market research. This difference is the need to integrate and use spatial relationships. Geomarketing research reduces uncertainty. Article shows three main groups geomarketing research: operational, tactical and strategic.

Bibliography: Mayorov AN.AL. GEOMARKETING RESEARCH // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2014. – № 5 (8). – С. 43-48. doi:

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