Author(s): Soloviev Igor Vladimirovich
Rubric: Educational environment
Release: 2015-4 (12)
Pages: 8-16
Keywords: game, computer game business, heterogeneous computer business game, game model, the scenario of the game, playing time, a set of software and hardware training, life cycle
Annotation: The article describes a new educational resource heterogeneous business games. The article compares the business computer and heterogeneous business game. The article shows that the heterogeneous computer game business solves more tasks and improves the quality of education. This article describes the methodological and technological requirements for the technology training. The article shows that this technology is a learning phase and at each stage of accumulating knowledge and information resources. The content of heterogeneous computer business game
Bibliography: Soloviev IG.VL. HETEROGENEOUS COMPUTER GAME AS AN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 4 (12). – С. 8-16. doi: