Author(s): Zonn I.S.
Rubric: Environmental economics
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-4-73-79
Release: 2022-4 (43)
Pages: 73-79
Keywords: Central Asia, water transfer, megaprojects, ecology, water resources, water distribution, hydropower construction
Annotation: The issues of water supply in the countries of Central Asia have become significantly more complicated at the present. Territorial uneven distribution of water resources and their limitations, continuously increasing water consumption lead to competing demand for water at the national, regional and international levels. The ratio between water needs and the possibilities of meeting them in this region is quite unfavorable. Water scarcity and deterioration of its quality are serious challenges that many countries in the region have already faced. The key issue determining the stability of the internal situation in Central Asia is the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the available water resources. The analysis of the dynamics and forecasts of water consumption clearly indicate that the coming century will be characterized for humanity by the search for solutions to the problem of water resources, and will become for the world community a period of solving the problems of mutually beneficial sharing of water resources between states on the basis of large-scale territorial redistribution of water resources.
Bibliography: Zonn I.S. HYDRO-ECONOMIC “SURGERY” – ARCHITECTURE OF THE CENTRAL ASIA FUTURE // Economics and Management. – 2022. – № 4 (43). – С. 73-79. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-4-73-79