Author(s): Wittenbek Victor Konstantinovich, Shumaev Vitaly Andreevich

Rubric: Economy

Release: 2012-1 (1)

Pages: 104-110

Keywords: Population, reproduction, demography, birth rate, mortality, science about migration, priority directions of a science

Annotation: The real picture of a condition of the population of Russia, tendency to extinction, experiment of foreign countries on stimulation of growth of population is shown, offers on management of population reproduction of a way of development of the theory and practice, scientific justification of ways of complex influence on reproduction of the population of the Russian Federation in general and its efficient part in particular are given.

Bibliography: Wittenbek VI.KO., Shumaev VI.AN. STATE REGULATION OF THE POPULATION REPRODUCTION // Economics and Management. – 2012. – № 1 (1). – С. 104-110. doi:

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