Author(s): Sergeeva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Rubric: Criminal law and criminalistics
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-73-77
Release: 2019-2 (20)
Pages: 73-77
Keywords: history, stages of evolution, population, migration, migration law, migration policy, migration law, regulatory legal acts, legal status, migration processes, Russian Empire, state
Annotation: In modern society, migration processes have become quite common and significant phenomenon. Migration as a phenomenon historically characteristic of people also takes on new forms and character. The Institute of Migration is comprehensive and is considered in historical, demographic, social and other aspects. Given the importance of migration legislation in the implementation of the state migration policy of the Russian Federation, the problems of regulating migration relations are always in the center of attention of the state. This circumstance puts forward, among other tasks, the need for a historical and legal analysis of the processes of formation and development of migration legislation at various historical stages. The article confirms the importance of migration studies for modern society. The study examines the main aspects of the formation and development of migration legislation in Russia of the pre-Soviet period. The factors affecting the formation of the migration legislation of Russia until October 1917 are indicated. A brief description of each of the stages in the formation of the migration legislation of Russia is illustrated by the most significant legislative acts. The interdependence of migration processes and historical and political events is determined. Using the historical method made it possible to single out the stages of the development of the migration legislation of Russia of the pre-Soviet period, to trace the trends of its development and improvement until 1917.
Bibliography: Sergeeva SV.NI. HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE MIGRATION LEGISLATION OF RUSSIA OF THE PRESOVIET PERIOD // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2019. – № 2 (20). – С. 73-77. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-73-77