Author(s): Samigulina G.A., Samigulina Z.I.

Rubric: Educational environment

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-1-23-30

Release: 2022-1 (38)

Pages: 23-30

Keywords: cognitive technology, distance technical training, unified artificial immune system, modified algorithms

Annotation: The digitalization of society, as well as the rapid progress in the field of information technology and artificial intelligence, make new and increased demands on the field of education. Global trends in the modern educational process point to the huge role and importance of distance learning, especially in technical specialties. The research is devoted to topical issues of the development of cognitive technology of personalized professional technical distance learning using a unified artificial immune system. The proposed technology uses not classical artificial intelligence algorithms, but modified algorithms based on clonal selection, negative selection and immune networks. Unification is aimed at reducing the diversity of modified algorithms in order to identify the most effective for a particular data set. The proposed technology makes it possible to take into account the cognitive and physiological characteristics of the student when developing a learning trajectory in order to obtain a highquality technical education. The main stages of the functioning of remote cognitive technology are considered. The results of experiments obtained on the basis of the Kazakh-British Technical University with the participation of students of the Faculty of Information Technology are presented.

Bibliography: Samigulina G.A., Samigulina Z.I. COGNITIVE TECHNOLOGY OF DISTANCE PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATION USING A UNIFIED ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEM // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2022. – № 1 (38). – С. 23-30. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2022-1-23-30

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