Author(s): Kokhanovskaya Indira Irekovna, Yurchuk Vasily Stepanovich

Rubric: Constitutional and municipal law

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-43-49

Release: 2019-2 (20)

Pages: 43-49

Keywords: Constitution, Federal law, health care system, public administration, citizens’ rights, health standards, principles of the national health system

Annotation: The article describes the constitutional basis for the functioning of the health care system in the Russian Federation, the legal framework for the organization of health care, as well as describes the main problems of public administration in the field of health care at the present stage. The characteristic of normative legal acts operating in the health care system is given. The tasks of the target program of development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 are revealed. The basic principles of the national health care system existing in the Russian Federation are noted. Proposals for a unified health policy in Russia concerning modern legislation are given. It is proposed to restore and reform the vertical management, namely the redistribution of funds allocated resources. The existing number of unresolved organizational problematic aspects and certain structural imbalances are noted. The article reveals the features of the modern health care management system in the Russian Federation. The main directions of further development in the field of health care management in the Russian Federation are reflected. The most important directions of administration of work on regulation of interaction of public authorities in system of management of health care in Russia are noted.

Bibliography: Kokhanovskaya IN.IR., Yurchuk VA.ST. CONSTITUTIONAL BASES OF STATE HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2019. – № 2 (20). – С. 43-49. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-43-49

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