Author(s): Rubtsova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Volkova Lyubov Vitalievna
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-1-102-108
Release: 2020-1 (32)
Pages: 102-108
Keywords: System, municipal service, professionalism, competences, assessment, advanced training
Annotation: The article analyzes modern evaluation mechanisms for professionalization of municipal service personnel. The most important system-forming feature of the quality of municipal service is the professional level, and the end result of all efforts to manage labor and activate human resources should be an increase in the set of key competencies. Professional development of municipal employees is the main direction of implementation of effective personnel policy of the state. In the context of improving the state and municipal services, there is a radical change in the system of state administration of the Russian Federation. Classification system to assess the development of professionalization of the municipal employee is the basis for the continuous improvement of the existing system of assessment of competences in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency. The requirements are significantly increased not only for the General education level of state and municipal employees, but also for their level of professionalism. Professionalization in state and municipal management bodies is studied in the context of the problem of realization of personal characteristics of an individual, development of his professional consciousness and reflection, dynamics of professional self-determination. currently, the implementation of an independent assessment of the professional level of employees of municipal authorities mainly consists of working out the organizational structure and interaction mechanisms of individual participants in this process, developing a package of regulatory, organizational, administrative and methodological documents. However, there is still no generally accepted definition of this concept, researchers mostly study only certain aspects of it, which determines the relevance of the topic. These prerequisites make it necessary to develop tools for conducting a correct assessment and analysis of the current level of professionalization of municipal service employees.
Bibliography: Rubtsova EK.VL., Volkova LY.VI. MODERN ASSESSMENT MECHANISMS FOR THE PROFESSIONALISM OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE PERSONNEL // Economics and Management. – 2020. – № 1 (32). – С. 102-108. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-1-102-108