Author(s): Shapovalov A.B.
Rubric: Economics of sustainable development
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-4-55-61
Release: 2022-4 (43)
Pages: 55-61
Keywords: multimodality, genetic algorithm, economic systems, biosphere, optimization, Rastrigin function
Annotation: The article postulates the interaction of developing economic systems with the biosphere, deviating from established norms. It is this that actualizes the search for the best solutions to this interaction. Therefore, the optimization of the interaction of achieving an acceptable compromise between the efficiency of economic systems and the safety of the biosphere based on genetic algorithms is proposed. As a scientific and methodical approach, continuous mechanisms of multimodal genetic optimization of economic systems are predetermined.
Bibliography: Shapovalov A.B. MULTIMODAL GENETIC OPTIMIZATION OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS // Economics and Management. – 2022. – № 4 (43). – С. 55-61. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-4-55-61