Author(s): Shapovalova A.N.

Rubric: Economy

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-4-24-38

Release: 2020-4 (35)

Pages: 24-38

Keywords: Initiative budgeting/participatory budgeting, citizen involvement, local government, co-financing, local finance, municipalities, monitoring, financial authorities

Annotation: The article describes an emerging trend in Russian initiative budgeting (IB) – independent municipal practices aimed at involving citizens in making decisions on budget expenditures. The purpose of this work is to outline the importance of comprehensive support for these processes from regional and federal authorities. In 2020, the municipal IB practices received legal enforcement in the federal legislation on local self-government. At present local authorities face the challenge to develop and introduce IB in their work. In 2019, the municipal IB practices were implemented in 24 regions of the Russian Federation. In a number of regions, high indicators of IB development at the municipal level are the result of the policy pursued by the financial authorities. Using the data of IB federal monitoring, the article presents an analysis of the processes in the Russian municipalities, including an overview of existing support measures and motivational mechanisms. It considers the Russian municipal practices and international cases of participatory budgeting support at the municipal level. It is concluded that in addition to regulations and incentives, the most important measures are: awareness-raising, training, consulting support and monitoring of the quality of implementation.

Bibliography: Shapovalova A.N. MUNICIPAL PRACTICES OF INITIATIVE BUDGETING: CHARACTERISTICS AND SUPPORT MECHANISMS // Economics and Management. – 2020. – № 4 (35). – С. 24-38. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-4-24-38

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