Author(s): Romanchenko A.Ye.

Rubric: Educational environment

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-14-22

Release: 2021-4 (37)

Pages: 14-22

Keywords: information field, implicit knowledge, latent information, latent variable models, knowledge extraction, consistency

Annotation: The method of identifying implicit knowledge in the information field is considered in the article. The information field is presented as a reflection and carrier of implicit knowledge. The information field is defined as a system. The features of implicit knowledge and the mechanism of transferring implicit knowledge into the information field are revealed. It is noted that comparative analysis and selective analysis of the information field creates the possibility of extracting implicit knowledge. A new concept of «latent information situation» is introduced in the article. A method of constructing a latent information situation and its gradual transformation into an explicit information situation is proposed. An explicit information situation creates explicit knowledge. A topological method of obtaining explicit knowledge from implicit knowledge is described in the article. A comparison of the statistical method and the latent method is presented. The proposed method of implicit knowledge extraction in the information field is based on the application of the principles of system analysis. This makes it possible to use system-structural methods to describe the object of research and to form a system of knowledge. The proposed method of extracting implicit knowledge in the information field can be used to improve the efficiency of scalable algorithms with big data.

Bibliography: Romanchenko A.Ye. IMPLICIT KNOWLEDGE IN THE INFORMATION FIELD // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2021. – № 4 (37). – С. 14-22. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2021-4-14-22

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