Author(s): Kon Efim Lvovich, Freiman Vladimir Isaakovich, Yuzhakov Alexander Anatolievich
Rubric: Educational environment
Release: 2015-1 (9)
Pages: 50-56
Keywords: testing diagnostic, test, diagnose table, element disciplinary competence, decoding
Annotation: In the article some particular problems of quality control studying for competence-oriented edu-cation programs are solved. The structure, format, and the principle of filling diagnosis tables by in¬termediate, current and boundary control results, specified in competency format, are pre-sented and ana¬lyzed. The general approach to implement test diagnosing the competencies and their components devel¬opment level within the academic discipline is proposed; the content of the stages and conditions of tran¬sition to the next stage is disclosed. The methods of decoding results by elements level of com¬petences component structure test diagnosing are shown and il-lustrated by examples. To solve the par¬ticular prob¬lems used a some technical diagnostic meth-ods and procedures, used in accordance with control objects in the subject area. Proposed ap-proaches and algorithms allow to formalize a procedure for processing and decoding results of current, intermediate and boundary control level of competen¬cies and their com¬ponents devel-opment. They are also may be used in the development of methodical, information and algorithmic pro¬vision by automated information systems for support the studying, which will improve the effi¬ciency of management and quality control studying
Bibliography: Kon EF.LV., Freiman VL.IS., Yuzhakov AL.AN. PROCESSING AND DECODING OF COMPETENCE COMPONENT STRUCTURE PARTS CONTROL RESULTS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2015. – № 1 (9). – С. 50-56. doi: