Author(s): Yurchuk Vasily Stepanovich

Rubric: Constitutional and municipal law

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-31-35

Release: 2019-2 (20)

Pages: 31-35

Keywords: Russian mentality, mentality, culture, conciliarity, orthodoxy, ethnic factor of mentality, messianism, national consciousness, nihilism, idealization of mentality, legal aspect of mentality

Annotation: An important part of the Russian legal consciousness is the domestic legal mentality, which has a considerable influence on the nature of domestic law, especially its implementation. The ability to understand the specifics of the legal mentality of Russia to a large extent laid the foundations of successful lawmaking, effective activity of the subject of law. Understanding its meaning makes the work of the person who adopts legal norms more purposeful, aware of what goal he should strive for, and what is necessary for this. Ignoring the legal mentality will not allow to properly Express the aspirations of society in the legal law. But here there is a problem-what are these aspirations. It is important that they Express spiritual principles. The legal mentality, as a rule, is in the sphere of spiritual reality, derived from it. For the theory of law, a new type of mentality is important – spiritual and cultural, which expresses, as far as possible, the principles of spirituality in law, develops on the basis of universal and national culture, synthesizes moral-metaphysical and formal-legal principles, etc. Its main aspects: 1) ethical; 2) cultural; 3) philosophical; 4) psychological; 5) religious; 6) sociological; 7) ethnic. Legal mentality is characterized not only by the relevant principles, but also by axioms, which are its mental-psychological, intellectual attributes, without which it can not be spiritually and culturologically developed. They reflect the inner qualities (nature) of justice in its true meaning, are values that largely determine the spiritual state and development of justice.

Bibliography: Yurchuk VA.ST. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MENTALITY OF RUSSIAN SOCIETY // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2019. – № 2 (20). – С. 31-35. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-31-35

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