Author(s): Taranukha Y.V.
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-3-114-126
Release: 2023-3 (46)
Pages: 114-126
Keywords: information product, information market, demand, supply, pricing of information product
Annotation: The article analyzes specific characteristics of structure and functioning of the information products market. Using the method of comparative study, the author shows specifics of information product and its market, which distinguish them fr om the usual industrial products and related markets. This approach reveals the specifics of supply and demand formation on the information market. This allows us to understand the specifics of mechanism of action and pricing in this market, wh ere even a monopolist can offer the product at zero price. At the same time, it is shown that along with positive effects, the information market has a number of properties that create the potential for monopolistic manifestations, which speaks of the necessity of regulating this market. At the same time, the above-mentioned specifics of information product market suggest the development and application of special regulatory measures that would not undermine the incentives for innovation underlying the development of the information market. The practical significance of this conclusion lies in the understanding of the need for a special approach to solving problems similar to those that are traditionally solved in the markets of industrial products.
Bibliography: Taranukha Y.V. FEATURES OF THE INFORMATION PRODUCTS MARKET // Economics and Management. – 2023. – № 3 (46). – С. 114-126. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-3-114-126