Author(s): Evonik O.S.

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-3-72-80

Release: 2020-3 (34)

Pages: 72-80

Keywords: efficiency, generalized indicators, differentiated indicators, balanced scorecard, performance management

Annotation: This article examines a systematic approach to assessing the effectiveness of an organization’s economic activities: the evaluation criteria are structured, the main performance indicators are given, two approaches are developed: traditional and strategic, the concept of performance management is considered. On the example of a large telecommunications company, Unitary Enterprise for the provision of services “A1” in the Republic of Belarus, the system for assessing the company’s effectiveness, taking into account the time factor, was analyzed and structured, the performance management of the company was improved in the form of a balanced scorecard based on the developed scheme of cause-effect relationships of strategic goals. Based on the current corporate goals of the company and the developed scheme of their causal relationships, the balanced scorecard was improved, and the results of their implementation were assessed using the example of the “A1” Unitary Enterprise. The developed scheme of causal relationships of strategic goals of the Unitary Enterprise for the provision of services “A1” made it possible to create an extended projection “Clients”, aimed at achieving short-term goals of the enterprise, to retain customers and find ways to effectively interact with them.

Bibliography: Evonik O.S. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT: TRADITIONAL AND STRATEGIC APPROACH // Economics and Management. – 2020. – № 3 (34). – С. 72-80. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2020-3-72-80

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