Author(s): Burtseva T.A.

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2021-4-76-85

Release: 2021-4 (39)

Pages: 76-85

Keywords: management decisions, factor influence assessment, reliability and validity criteria, variance analysis, statistical data processing

Annotation: The article discusses assessing the influence of factors on the efficiency of the enterprise. The analysis of variance procedure is used as a support in the management decision-making system. It carries out the assessment of the dependence of the enterprise efficiency on two independent variables, such as personnel policy type and the enterprise brand presence. Particular attention is paid to assessing the reliability of the analysis results as well as the possibility of their visualization. In addition to variance analysis possibilities the article also examines the range of application of statistical methods of data processing, such as regression, discriminant, factorial, cluster analyzes and multidimensional scaling widely used in management. The main criteria for assessing the reliability of research data are presented as well as the approaches to their definition and their calculation formulas. Special emphasis is put on the criteria used in variance analysis.

Bibliography: Burtseva T.A. DISPERSION ANALYSIS IN EVALUATING EFFICIENCY FACTORS INFLUENCE IN ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY // Economics and Management. – 2021. – № 4 (39). – С. 76-85. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2021-4-76-85

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