Author(s): Varavva M. Yu.
Rubric: Educational environment
DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-7-16
Release: 2024-1 (46)
Pages: 7-16
Keywords: rigidity of the higher education system, digital transformation, shortage of IT specialists
Annotation: The most important strategic task of the Russian higher education system is to train personnel for the needs of the digital stage of development. Despite the popularity of information professions and the growing demand for IT education, Russia is experiencing a significant shortage of IT specialists of various levels of training. The study identified the main institutional and competent imbalances in the IT training system, which made it possible to identify a set of factors that have a cumulative effect that has accumulated over a number of previous years and prove the inflexibility and low responsiveness of Russian academic educational institutions to the urgent re- quirements of systemic digitalization. It is concluded that the non-use of the potential of Russian universities, the inability of the education system to adapt as quickly as possible to the new digital reality in terms of increasing the training of demanded IT specialists, the separation from the needs of real practice leads to a deceleration in the processes of information transformation and objectively casts doubt on the achievement of Russia’s digital maturity in the medium term.
Bibliography: Varavva M..YU. IT TRAINING: KEY LIMITATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2024. – № 1 (46). – С. 7-16. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2024-1-7-16