Author(s): Burykin Ye.S.

Rubric: Management

DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-2-74-80

Release: 2022-2 (41)

Pages: 74-80

Keywords: rational, intuitive, managerial decision, decision-making model

Annotation: The article describes the progress in decision-making in recent decades associated with the development of a wide range of tools used primarily in the process of managerial activity. However, this progress is associated, in particular, with well-structured quantitative solutions, and to a lesser extent with qualitative solutions that are less accurate and structured. The first part of this study describes the complex and constantly changing situation in modern organizations, which makes it difficult or even impossible to make decisions in accordance with the rational decision-making model. As a result, managers are forced to rely on their intuitive abilities, which allow them to use new perspectives and approaches in solving problems, which is reflected in the second part of the article. The main conclusion of this study is that when making managerial decisions, a manager should not only make analytical calculations, but also rely on his experience and intuition.

Bibliography: Burykin Ye.S. APPROACHES TO MAKING OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT DECISIONS: RATIONAL AND INTUITIVE // Economics and Management. – 2022. – № 2 (41). – С. 74-80. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2022-2-74-80

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