Author(s): Bagdasaryan S.D.

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-3-18-25

Release: 2021-3 (29)

Pages: 18-25

Keywords: new political history, historical process, public power

Annotation: The research is devoted to the problem of identifying the factors of the historical process in modern political relations, the influence on the ongoing political reforms of the historical traditions of the institutions of public power in Russia not only in the XX century, but also in the new century. The new political history of the last three decades of the sovereign Russian state is in a situation of intensive formation of state institutions, which is relevant for scientific research and the development of the concept of the presentation of the historical process.

Bibliography: Bagdasaryan S.D. POLITICAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (1991‒2020S) // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2021. – № 3 (29). – С. 18-25. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2021-3-18-25

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