Author(s): Voronina Alexandra Vladimirovna
Rubric: Economic education
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-1-95-101
Release: 2019-1 (28)
Pages: 95-101
Keywords: Business school, business training, additional education, competence-based approach, professional knowledge
Annotation: Practice shows that not all managers are inclined to think that staff training is an integral part of the development of an organization, and most importantly, that this should reproduce and accumulate intangible, human capital. The relevance of the research topic is that now the main factors of competitiveness of organizations is the availability of qualified labor, the degree of its motivation, the distribution of responsibility and the form of work that determine the efficiency of personnel use. In modern conditions, the creative abilities of a person are still underused, and not enough attention is paid to meeting the social needs of employees through vocational training. The results of the work give grounds for such conclusions that the search for effective ways of increasing the efficiency of personnel management necessitates the use in the management system not only of organizational and administrative, financial and managerial levers, commercial programs, but also an expansion of the practice of using scientifically grounded theoretical and methodological approaches to effective staffing through staff training in business schools.
Bibliography: Voronina AL.VL. PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS TRAINING – VECTOR OF PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT // Economics and Management. – 2019. – № 1 (28). – С. 95-101. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-1-95-101