Author(s): Bekbenbetova B., Rakymzhanova S.S.
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-2-94-100
Release: 2023-2 (45)
Pages: 94-100
Keywords: tourism, hotel business, development, world community, global epidemic, instability, economy
Annotation: This article discusses the problems and preferential opportunities for the development of tourism and hotel business in the market conditions, considering the realities of today. The role and importance of tourism and the hospitality industry in the country’s economy are emphasized. The negative factors decelerating the development of the hospitality industry, such as the instability of political and economic situations, as well as natural and environmental disasters in the countries of the world community, are noted. The article briefly presents an analytical overview of the development of the tourism business at the international level, before and after the COVID-19 epidemic. The negative consequences of the epidemic for the economies of the countries of the world are noted. The authors consider the main indicators for a number of years characterizing the development of the tourism and hotel business in Kazakhstan. The analysis of the dynamics of the volume of tourist flow, the number of placements, occupancy of hotels, etc. is presented. Based on the assessment of the current state and identification of problems of development of these areas of business, their prospects for development are outlined.
Bibliography: Bekbenbetova B., Rakymzhanova S.S. HOTEL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IN MODERN CONDITIONS // Economics and Management. – 2023. – № 2(45). – С. 94-100. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2023-2-94-100