Author(s): Alekseev Alexander Nikolaevich, Korolev Grigory Vyacheslavovich
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-2-82-86
Release: 2019-2 (29)
Pages: 82-86
Keywords: «Industry 4.0», company, digitalization, top managers, digitization of business processes, management restructuring, process optimization
Annotation: The digital era is not just a great opportunity for companies, but also its implementation. One of the biggest problems of digital transformation of enterprises is the internal transformation of the company. The problems that enterprises usually face when switching to digitalization are outdated technological processes, the lack of managerial competencies of the new format and the management of human resources by the old methods. Digitalization, using new concepts, models and technologies, provides faster and more efficient work, and on the other hand, helps managers manage better and smarter. The main goal of this article is to present a model of the process of digitization of an enterprise/company that can be used to transform it, with the aim of increasing productivity and increasing economic attractiveness. The model is mainly based on process optimization and consists of competent personnel management, as well as the introduction of new, more flexible organizational forms. The authors of the article attempted to update the process of transformation of enterprises, taking into account the requirements of «Industry 4.0».
Bibliography: Alekseev AL.NI., Korolev GR.VY. REORGANIZATION OF ENTERPRISES IN THE DIGITAL AGE // Economics and Management. – 2019. – № 2 (29). – С. 82-86. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2019-2-82-86