Author(s): Shegalo Dmitry Dmitrievich
Rubric: Criminal law and criminalistics
DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-68-72
Release: 2019-2 (20)
Pages: 68-72
Keywords: the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, police, police officers, directions of activity, protection of public order, ensuring safety of citizens, patrol service of police, monetary allowance
Annotation: Currently, the system of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia faces a global task – to improve the quality of work in all areas that are within the competence of the Ministry, to optimize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the police, to introduce modern technical and information tools into its practical activities. It is difficult to develop universal criteria for the effectiveness of the police in General, and patrol officers in particular, because their activities are very diverse. Analyzed the legal norms in the organization of the activities of combat units of the patrol service of the police and the Orders of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on the monetary allowance of the police officer, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to make additions to the normative legal acts, which should positively affect the efficiency of employees patrulno-sentry duty of police.
Bibliography: Shegalo DM.DM. SHEGALO D.D. // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2019. – № 2 (20). – С. 68-72. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2019-2-68-72