Author(s): Arefyeva A.A.
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2024-1-93-100
Release: 2024-1 (48)
Pages: 93-100
Keywords: foreign experience, training and development, organisations, employees, professional skills, digital technolo- gies, microlearning
Annotation: The purpose of the article is to identify the features of modern methods of the corporate system of training and development of employees and develop recommendations for increasing the efficiency of these processes based on the experience of foreign specialists. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved: the importance of new digital technologies and their implementation for the activities of organizations was shown; the most frequently implemented and used digital technologies in Russian organizations are highlighted: cloud services, big data, data centers, Internet of things; the need to formulate a strategic employee development program has been proven, which includes measures to familiarize oneself with the corporate culture, career planning, eliminate deficiencies in professional skills and provide constant feedback. As a result of the study, an effective system of training and development of employees was formed, which includes the following methods: mentoring; mutual learning; pre-employment training; “microlearning” The results obtained can be used both by teachers in the field of economics and by current managers of various organizations.
Bibliography: Arefyeva A.A. MODERN METHODS OF CORPORATE TRAINING SYSTEM AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES // Economics and Management. – 2024. – № 1 (48). – С. 93-100. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2024-1-93-100