Author(s): Burykin Evgeny Sergeevich
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-83-89
Release: 2018-2 (25)
Pages: 83-89
Keywords: coaching, coaching technologies, management, coach, development
Annotation: The article reveals the problems of coaching as an innovative effective management tool, considers some methods, techniques and tools of coaching, the use of which allows a person to develop both as a professional and as a person. With the help of coaching methods, tools and technologies, on the one hand, the Manager can clearly divide personal and business life, realizing in all spheres of his life, while creating and competently observing the balance, and on the other – the coach can help the head to understand his true goals, the reasons for success and failure, to help in finding his own solutions. Coaching is considered as a way to increase individual innovativeness and competitiveness of the Manager in terms of increasing personal responsibility, disclosure of emotional intelligence, motivation to achieve both personal and corporate goals
Bibliography: Burykin EV.SE. SPECIFICS OF COACHING METHODS // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 2 (25). – С. 83-89. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-83-89