Author(s): Gumerov Emil Abilkhairovich

Rubric: Information technology

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-59-63

Release: 2019-2 (27)

Pages: 59-63

Keywords: blockchain system, blockchain technology, cryptosystem, distributed registry, consensus algorithm, banking, acyclic graph, stablecoin, consensus algorithm, network protocol, acyclic graph

Annotation: The article analyzes the development of blockchain systems, it is noted that blockchain systems are developing in the direction of increasing user convenience, including in terms of user interfaces and increasing speed of work. There are achievements in the development of more sophisticated consensus algorithms, in the creation of proprietary networked protocols adapted to blockchain systems. It justifies the thesis that the flexibility of the blockchain technology contributes to the rapid expansion of the areas of application of the blockchain systems. For example, there is a tendency to expand the use of distributed registry cryptosystems by modern banks. Along with the Ripple and Stellar systems, specially designed for banking, there are steaklokoiny, cryptocurrency, tied to assets. IBM professional software products play a significant role in expanding the use of distributed registry cryptosystems in the management of enterprises and organizations in all spheres of life. A comparative analysis of the cryptosystem of the Ripple and Stellar distributed registry with the existing system of interbank SWIFT channels has been carried out. The essential advantage of cryptosystems of the distributed registry in speed of execution of transactions and in convenience of user interfaces is shown.

Bibliography: Gumerov EM.AB. DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEMS // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2019. – № 2 (27). – С. 59-63. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2019-2-59-63

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