Author(s): Gorbunova Yu.A.

Rubric: Methodological research

DOI: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-99-107

Release: 2020-4 (33)

Pages: 99-107

Keywords: digitalization of higher education, anthropopractical approach, techno-optimism, techno-pessimism, technorealism, digital educational practices

Annotation: The article reveals the main approaches to the interpretation and implementation of the digitalization of higher education – reductionist, technocratic and anti-reductionist, anthropopractical. The digitalization of higher education is considered by the author within the framework of the anthropopractical approach – as a multidimensional process (not reducible to the introduction of distant educational technologies), where the center and end in itself is the transformation of a person and human relations in educational environments, and digital technologies play only an instrumental role. At the same time, if techno-optimism or progressivism believes that digitalization meets the interests of a person and responds to requests for self-development, then techno-pessimism or conservatism, on the contrary, considers digitalization as a dehumanizing process. Comparing polar approaches to assessing anthropological risks and prospects for digitalization of higher education, the author substantiates the significance of technorealism as a worldview and methodological basis for the development and implementation of constructive practices of “slow science” and “slow learning”, “peer-to-peer” education, crowdsourcing, DIY and collaboration, edutainment and gamification of higher education.

Bibliography: Gorbunova Yu.A. THE DIGITALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION: THE POSITION OF TECHNOREALISM // Education Resources and Technologies. – 2020. – № 4 (33). – С. 99-107. doi: 10.21777/2500-2112-2020-4-99-107

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