Author(s): Long Changhai

Rubric: Relevant aspects of criminal law, criminal proceedings and criminalistics

DOI: 10.21777/2587-9472-2023-4-42-48

Release: 2023-4 (40)

Pages: 42-48

Keywords: anti-corruption, UN Convention against Corruption, bribery, international return of fugitive criminals

Annotation: China’s anti-corruption efforts in recent years have been unprecedented. A large number of corrupt individuals have been brought to disciplinary and even criminal responsibility. In 2003, the Chinese Government signed the UN Convention against Corruption, and in 2005, China ratified its accession to the Convention. After the accession, China has begun a series of amendments and improvements to anti-corruption norms. The anti-corruption accusations of Chinese criminal law are characterized by the fact that state officials are the core of the subjects of corruption-related offenses; physical entities and legal entities as subjects also co-exist there; and high pressure is maintained on corruption offenses. In addition to making the necessary changes to national legislation, China has taken appropriate steps to position itself internationally as a country that does not tolerate corrupt behavior by officials. In order to punish and prevent corrupt behaviors, strengthening international cooperation against corruption has become an inevitable choice for China.

Bibliography: Long CH. CHINA’S ANTI-CORRUPTION CRIMINAL LEGAL NORMS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION // Journal of Legal Sciences. – 2023. – № 4 (40). – С. 42-48. doi: 10.21777/2587-9472-2023-4-42-48

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