Author(s): Voronina Alexandra Vladimirovna, Sheveleva Olga Moiseevna
Rubric: Management
DOI: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-56-61
Release: 2018-2 (25)
Pages: 56-61
Keywords: labor force, microlevel of intraindustry competition, meso level of interbranch competition, international labor mobility and levels of supranational regulation of the labor market, labor market development trends
Annotation: The article attempts to study the levels of analysis of labor market trends and factors in the unity of the intraindustry microlevel of hiring transactions, the meso level of inter-industry competition in the labor market and international labor movement as a mechanism for realizing its competitiveness in the global labor market. The analysis of the employed population in the territory of the Russian Federation by types of economic activity is carried out. The study of the world experience of the functioning of the labor market, with the exception of the mega-level, shows a tendency to dominate the territorial determinant of the supply of labor. The authors summarize that the objective function of the activities of public employment services should be to promote the welfare of households and the development of entrepreneurial structures at all levels. As a result, the levels of analysis of labor market elements in the unity of the intra-industry micro-level, inter-sectoral mesolevel and in-country movement of the labor force, and international labor movement are structured. And it was also determined that the demand and supply in the labor market should be studied as a multi-level system at the mega-level of the international labor organization.
Bibliography: Voronina AL.VL., Sheveleva OL.MO. TRENDS AND FACTORS OF THE LABOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT: LEVELS OF ANALYSIS // Economics and Management. – 2018. – № 2 (25). – С. 56-61. doi: 10.21777/2587-554X-2018-2-56-61